You can’t spend your way out of technical debt

Posted on October 11, 2009Categories processTags

There is an axiom of personal finance that states “You cannot spend your way out of debt.”  While seemingly trite at first, it holds a truth that becomes apparent in nuance.  It becomes a mantra for those seeking a quick-fix to major financial problems: there is a more fundamental axiom stating “You didn’t get into debt overnight; nor will you get out of it overnight.”  Germane to these concepts is the idea that a behavior change is needed to go … Continue reading “You can’t spend your way out of technical debt”

Thoughts on C# Generic Constraints

Posted on December 3, 2008Categories code, UncategorizedTags ,

A teammate and I were musing about generic constraints the other day, comparing them to checked exceptions in Java.  So I found it amusing that Jeremy Miller came to the same point with Scott Allen yesterday: Question of the Day — What’s Worse?… generic constraints, or checked exceptions [in java]? Wouldn’t it be nice if we could “break the chain” of constraints at some point, when the calling code ceases to care?  Since I don’t know of a pattern for … Continue reading “Thoughts on C# Generic Constraints”